Sesame Rice (Ellu Sadam)

Indian Recipes


  • • 450g Parboiled rice
  • • 115g Anandham Sesame seeds
  • • 5g dry red chilies
  • • 15g urad dhal
  • • 115g ghee
  • • 15g cashews
  • • Juice of 1⁄2 a lime
  • • I bunch curry leaves
  • • Salt to taste


Cook the rice. Keep aside.

In a wok, heat ghee and fry the cashews and curry leaves. Remove and keep aside.

In the same ghee, fry Anandham Sesame Seeds, dry red chilies, urad dhal and powder it. Then add the

ghee, powdered mixture, cashews and curry leaves to the cooked rice and mix well.

Serve hot.

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