Chicken Fried Rice

Main Course

Serves: 6 Total time: 30 minutes


  • • 4 cups Rice
  • • ½ pound Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
  • • 1 cup Peas & Carrots; frozen
  • • 1 Small, White Onion, chopped
  • • 2 Cloves Garlic, minced
  • • 2 Eggs
  • • 3 tbsp Anandham Sesame Oil
  • • ¼ cup Soy Sauce
  • • Utensils: Large Skillet, Large Spoon, Tablespoon, Measuring Cup, Knife


Prepare rice following the package instructions to yield 4 cups cooked rice. Chop and cook chicken breasts into bite-size pieces.

In a large skillet, heat Anandham Sesame oil on medium heat. Add onion, garlic, peas & carrots and fry until the veggies are tender. Crack eggs into skillet and scramble, mixing in with the vegetables.

Add cooked rice, chicken, and soy sauce to skillet.

Mix well.

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