Asian Cabbage Salad Recipe with Sesame Seeds


Serves 4


  • • 6 cups green cabbage, sliced in strips (about 1/2 large head of cabbage)
  • • 2 tbsp Anandham Sesame seeds (black)
  • • 2 tbsp peanuts

Dressing Ingredients:

  • • 2 tbsp rice vinegar
  • • 1 tbsp Anandham Sesame oil
  • • 1 tbsp honey
  • • 1/8 tsp Thai Chili Garlic Paste (or any chili sauce)
  • • 1/8 tsp grated ginger or ginger paste


Slice cabbage in strips about 3/8 inch wide. Mix rice vinegar, Anandham Sesame oil, honey, Thai Chili Garlic Paste and ginger in a bowl and whisk together. Toast Anandham Sesame seeds for about 1 minute in a small dry pan, until they start to be fragrant and slightly browned. Put cabbage strips into mixing bowl, toss well with dressing, arrange on individual serving plates and sprinkle with Anandham Sesame seeds and peanuts.

Dressing Ingredients:

  • • 1. Do not use seasoned vinegar, which contains sugar
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